Home Blog A Common Mistake to Avoid When Buying an Oval Diamond
A Common Mistake to Avoid When Buying an Oval Diamond

Choosing the perfect oval diamond is an exhilarating yet intricate process that involves navigating through a myriad of considerations to ensure you make a wise and satisfying purchase. The allure of the oval shape lies in its elegant and elongated form, often praised for its ability to create an illusion of length on the finger. 

However, the journey to finding the ideal oval diamond is not without its challenges, as there are common pitfalls that prospective buyers may encounter.

In this blog, we will delve into the intricate details of the common oval diamond buying mistakes. From the essential considerations of the Four Cs – Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat weight – to the often overlooked aspects like length-to-width ratio, bowtie effect, and symmetry, each facet contributes to the overall beauty and value of the diamond.

By understanding and sidestepping these potential pitfalls, you can empower yourself to make an informed and confident choice, ensuring that the oval diamond you select not only meets your expectations but also becomes a timeless symbol of elegance and enduring beauty. 

Join us on this insightful journey to unravel the intricacies of oval diamond selection, and discover the keys to making a purchase that reflects your unique style, values, and budget constraints.

To help you make an informed decision, let's delve into the details of these oval diamond buying mistakes and how to avoid them.

Also Read- The Ultimate Oval Diamond Buying Guide: Expert Tips and Advice

Neglecting the Four Cs:

  • Cut: The quality of the cut plays a significant role in the oval diamond's brilliance and overall appearance. When an oval cut diamond is well-cut, it exhibits a balanced and symmetrical shape, ensuring that light is properly reflected. To avoid this oval diamond buying mistakes, look for a diamond with a good cut grade. Avoid too shallow or deep diamonds, as they may lack sparkle.
  • Color: Oval diamonds are graded on a scale from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow or brown). While D-F diamonds are considered colourless and are highly prized, those in the G-J range are near-colourless and can offer good value without compromising on beauty. Consider your personal preference and budget when choosing the color grade that suits you.
  • Clarity: The presence of inclusions or blemishes can impact a diamond's clarity. Oval diamonds typically hide inclusions well due to their rounded edges, making them less visible. A clarity grade of VS1 to VS2 is often a good choice, as flaws are unlikely to be visible without magnification. You can save on clarity without compromising on the diamond's visual appeal.
  • Carat Weight: Carat weight affects both the size and cost of the diamond. While larger carat weights can be impressive, it's crucial to balance this with your budget and the overall quality of the diamond. A well-chosen balance between carat weight and the other three Cs ensures a stunning oval cut diamond.

Ignoring Diamond Certification:

A certified diamond provides a guarantee of quality and authenticity. Reputable gemological laboratories like GIA and AGS assess the characteristics of the diamond and provide a certification report. 

To avoid oval diamond buying mistakes, always ask for and verify the diamond's certification to ensure that the diamond's description matches what you're purchasing.

Not Considering the Length-to-Width Ratio:

The length-to-width ratio significantly influences the diamond's overall appearance. Oval diamonds come in various ratios, with a classic range typically falling between 1.30 to 1.50. However, personal preference plays a critical role. 

Some prefer a more elongated oval, while others prefer a balanced shape. To avoid this oval diamond buying mistakes, choose the best oval diamond ratio that aligns with your aesthetic taste.

Neglecting the Bowtie Effect:

The bowtie effect is a shadow or dark area that may appear in the center of some oval diamonds due to their cut. To avoid disappointment, carefully inspect the diamond in various lighting conditions to assess the presence and intensity of the bowtie effect. 

A well-cut oval diamond should have a minimal or imperceptible bowtie effect, as it can detract from the diamond's beauty.

Forgetting About Symmetry:

Good symmetry is vital for oval diamonds, directly influencing their overall appearance. Check if the diamond's two halves are mirror images of each other and if the points at each end align correctly. 

To avoid oval diamond buying mistakes, ensure that the diamond you choose displays excellent symmetry, as poor symmetry can result in an unattractive or unbalanced oval shape.

Inadequate Setting Consideration:

The choice of setting has a considerable impact on how the oval cut diamond looks when worn. Different settings complement oval diamonds differently. Halo settings, solitaires, and three-stone settings are popular choices. 

Ensure that the chosen setting enhances the diamond's appearance, complements your style, and provides security. Neglecting this aspect can result in a less-than-ideal presentation of the diamond.

Disregarding Personal Preferences:

While the four Cs and other objective factors are crucial, personal preferences should not be ignored. Oval diamonds come in a variety of shapes, and individual tastes vary. 

Take your time to explore various options and choose a diamond that resonates with your style and aesthetic preferences. What appeals to one person may not be the same for another.

Rushing the Purchase:

Impulse buying is a common mistake to avoid. Rushing the purchase without adequate research and comparison can lead to regret later on. Take your time to explore different options, visit multiple jewelers or browse reputable online retailers, and gather information to make an informed decision. 

A well-thought-out purchase is more likely to result in a diamond that meets your expectations.

Also Read - 9 Reasons to Buy Oval Shape Diamond

Focusing Solely on Price:

While sticking to your budget is essential, obsessing solely over the Oval diamond price factors can lead to sacrificing quality. 

Consider the value you're getting for your budget. Prioritize the factors that matter most to you. It's worth investing in a quality oval diamond that aligns with your preferences and that you'll cherish for a lifetime.

Disregarding the Seller's Reputation:

Be cautious about buying oval diamond online. Purchase from reputable jewellers with a history of ethical practices and quality products. 

Read reviews, ask for referrals, and ensure that the seller provides a clear return and exchange policy. Avoid buying from unknown or unverified sources, as it can lead to disappointment and potential issues down the road.

Purchasing an natural oval diamond involves careful consideration of multiple factors, including the four Cs, personal preferences, and budget constraints. 

Avoiding common oval diamond buying mistakes, such as neglecting the four Cs, ignoring certification, and not considering the length-to-width ratio, is crucial to ensuring that your oval diamond is a stunning and valuable investment. 

Take your time, do thorough research, and select a diamond that aligns with your style, values, and financial capacity. 

At V. Jayantilal & co., we are passionate about providing high-quality oval diamonds in different carat sizes and the best customer service. 

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