Anyone looking for an engagement ring or a new diamond may become perplexed by diamond pricing. Given that the price of a one-carat diamond can range from $1000 to $12,000, how can you be certain you're getting a fair deal? As a result, there are many different answers to the question, "How much does a diamond cost?" Learn more about the variables that influence real diamond price in India by reading on.
This guide will explain the variables that affect diamond pricing and offer suggestions on what to look for when buying diamonds. You'll also learn about diamond pricing to evaluate a diamond's value. You will benefit from knowing these things as you progress in your diamond education. If you're short on time, look for the diamond pricing estimate chart, which is located at the bottom and is based on carat weight.
Cost of the diamond
The price can differ significantly depending on a diamond's shape, cut, quality, and clarity. When comparing diamonds of the same carat weight, some can cost ten to twenty times as much. In general, rarer diamonds cost more money. Due to their rarity and high cost, flawless, colorless diamonds are more expensive. The price per carat of a diamond increases with the diamond's quality. Today, the diamond price in India per carat is on average Rs. 70,500.
The trick with diamonds is to spend as much as possible on the elements that influence diamond appearance while spending less on those that do not. When looking for diamonds, we advise reviewing these considerations and deciding which ones are most important to you.
Factors that affect the price of the diamond
The cut grade has the greatest impact on the diamond price for a given carat weight. You should search for an excellent cut grade if you desire a sparkling and lovely diamond. A diamond's cut affects how it reflects light, which enhances its aesthetic value. Poorly cut diamonds will have a dull, unpolished appearance.
The quality of the cut is not determined by any inherent qualities of the diamond itself, but rather by how skillfully the stone was prepared and polished. Different "cut grades," which refer to the cut's quality, can exist for diamonds of the same shape.
Depending on the colour grade, diamonds are examined. Because they are so rare, colourless diamonds tend to be more expensive. The difference in colour between a one-carat diamond and a two- or three-carat diamond may not be discernible because diamond color matters less the smaller the diamond is. Depending on the diamond shape, colour variations will take different forms.
The diamond colour grade scale is based on letters that range from D to Z. The closer a diamond is to being colourless, the higher it is on the scale. The most expensive and colourless diamonds are those with D, E, or F grades. The G-J range refers to nearly colourless diamonds that, to a person without training, appear colourless to the naked eye. The larger stones of K-M diamonds exhibit a light colour. The grades S–Z denote diamonds with light colouring that is visible to the unaided eye, while the N–R range denotes extremely light colours.
The quantity of flaws in a carat of a diamond is referred to as "diamond clarity." Blemishes are external scratches, while inclusions are internal flaws. These flaws in the diamond have an impact on how light reflects off of it. A diamond with a higher clarity grade will cost more money. The various clarity grades are invisible to the unaided eye up to a certain point. The size and shape of the diamond can also have an impact on how obvious the flaws are.
The highest quality is a flawless diamond (FL) or one that is internally flawless (IF). Very Very Slightly Included (VVSI), Very Slightly Included (VSI), Slightly Included (SI), and Included is the additional grades. These categories are further subdivided into "one" and "two" grades (including three grades). As a result, VVSI1 is more clear than VVSI2, and I3 is the least clear on the scale. Since many flaws in diamonds are invisible, many people can save money on clarity when looking for a lower diamond price.
There is a carat price for diamonds. A carat is a unit of weight used to describe diamonds. Depending on the diamond's quality, different carat prices will apply to different diamonds. Size is not derived from carat weight. Therefore, despite having a lower carat weight, a 0.45-carat diamond is not necessarily smaller than a 0.50-carat diamond. Due to the fact that diamonds are priced according to their carat weight, it is common to see diamonds for sale that are just a little bit below the next carat weight category.
Price per carat
You can more effectively compare two different diamonds using the price per carat method. This is crucial because not all diamonds are created equal, which means that the cost per carat will vary. When shopping for diamonds, make sure to check to see if the price is listed per carat or as the total price.
Price increase exponentially
Diamond prices rise exponentially with carat weight. A two-carat diamond will cost you more than twice as much as a one-carat diamond of comparable quality. Larger-carat-weight diamonds are uncommon, especially in natural diamonds. A 1-carat diamond costs less than two 0.50-carat diamonds. Therefore, if two diamonds have a small carat size, they might be less expensive than one.
If you’re looking for the best quality diamond, V. Jayantilal has the best selection of diamonds at a lower cost. You can be sure to find the perfect diamond for any piece of jewellery and know that it is certified, ethical, and beautiful. V. Jayantilal is the best place to buy diamonds in India. The diamond price in India today is 787.37 USD per carat.